Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Writer's Block?

I was going to write about writer’s block, but something else is distracting me...

The economy is having some troubles. Many would say I’m understating the subject.

The bailout is on everyone’s lips. The stock market is moving 800 points in a day. We’re hearing the phrase “run on the bank” from people under 70 years of age.

Most of live near a foreclosed property. Living in Michigan with its troubled auto industry, and many who have lost their job, I may be seeing more than most.

Politicians are using the downturn it it to their advantage to advance their agendas. Corporate CEO’s are in the targets of investigations. Class warfare is on the rise.

Recently I learned of a couple who is going through a divorce, maybe because of the financial pressures, who signed over her house this last week. The bank has made the decision that she can live in the house until it sells. (That may be years.)

I know another couple who’s split up, as well. I have friends who are selling things to make rent. I know several college grads who can’t get a job in their field.. at least not in Michigan.. and are looking to move.

Oh yeah... Writer’s block? How can we use that as an excuse? There’s so many people around us facing challenges. So many institutions, both physical and social, that are in turmoil. So much that we observe every day where the truth is obscured, or the values skewed. Injustice, greed, dishonesty, injustice.

So much potential to find light in darkness. Rebirth in certain death. It may sound morbid, but this is a writer’s playground.

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