Saturday, April 12, 2008

Use your VISA or the Flowers Will Die...

The Garden shop is working in synchronized manner with the gardeners in pastel raincoats, aiming their watering hoses in crystal arches. The cafeteria line is in such a groove that the jello is dancing the 2 step, and then some thoughtless dill-weed, dressed like a preppy (or a dumpy “out-of-it” older woman) comes in and wants to pay for his food or flowers with (ahem) cash, or even worse... a check.

The flowers die, the milk spills, the music slows to a stop. People look annoyingly at dill-weed. People stare at the frumpy woman writing her check. The cashier looks at them like, “hey, what can I do, its just the way things are...”. They finish paying while the next people tap their fingers on the counter, impatiently. He grabs his ham sandwich. She grabs her flowers. And the music starts up, and the world goes back to.... normal.


Am I the only one who feels an itching on my forehead and the back of my hand when I see these commercials?

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