Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Alex Needs Your Prayers

If you’ve been following my blog, you’ll know that I mentioned a soldier and his family last week who was injured in Iraq when he drove over an IED (improvised explosive device). He was due to come home on leave within 2 days of the attack.

His name is Alex Knapp, and he is currently residing at Walter Reed Hospital in D.C. Things continue to be touch and go with Alex as he is suffering a high fever, which indicates an infection that they cannot nail down. Here is Tuesday’s Update:

“ Tuesday(I think) afternoon...Alex is resting peacefully now, so I thought I would take a minute to update everyone on his condition. Alex continues to run very high fevers (at one point 103.5), and this has his doctors very concerned, to the point that he has been moved from being a "ortho trauma" patient back to an "internal medicine trauma" patient. Throughout the day today tho, his fevers have remained 102.0 and below, and have been treated with Tylenol. He is very tired, and wants to sleep. He heads into surgery again tomorrow, and these surgeries are SO HARD on him. The concern, of course is that he has another "bug" hiding out in his body somewhere, and with such large open wounds (on the backs of his thighs), he can become septic very easily. It is a never ending "balancing" game to keep all systems functioning. I have told Alex about all of the wonderful things in his guestbook, and I can't wait until he is well enough to sign in and read, and I hope he finds the comfort there that I do. Thank you to everyone for your prayers for Alex, and please continue to pray that this fever/infection issue resolves without further damage to Alex. “

Alex’s mom is writing here, and you’ll notice there’s a guestbook mentioned... A Caring-Bridge site has been set up for him where a progress journal is being kept and where we.. YOU can go out and drop Alex a note.

Please drop in and give him a word of encouragement, or a prayer.

Here’s the link:

Thanks so much, everyone.

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